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  Inner Space at Harvard Square  ~  Meditation Center and Gallery
​                         1110 Massachusetts Avenue   Cambridge, MA 02128   617 547 1110

Inner Space Meditation Center & Gallery aims to help people explore the true nature of mind and
consciousness, experience deep peace, and to empower themselves with the tools to succeed and lead
more fulfilling lives.  Inner Space offers an oasis of peace conveniently located in Harvard Square, where
people are free to discover their own inner strengths and values.

The Inner Space Meditation Center and Gallery is part of a worldwide network of over 8,500
 Brahma Kumaris meditation centers in 110 countries, the first of which was founded in India in the
late 1930's.  Like all the Brahma Kumaris Centers worldwide, the basic message that we 'pass on' is the
same:  "You are a spiritual being and when you fully realize that, you will then automatically bring
your spirituality to life, as well as the lives of others around you.  The essence of you and the basis of
your spirituality is peace.  Peace is what you are."

                                                                                                                                    The Quiet Room
The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization (USA) provides
opportunities for people from all backgrounds to explore their own 
spirituality and learn the self-development skills of reflection and
meditation derived from Raja Yoga.  This simple, practical set of tech-
niques helps develop inner calm, clear thinking and personal well 

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, headquartered in
Rajasthan University, works at all levels of society for positive change
and is the recipient of seven United Nations Peace Messenger
Awards.  The main local headquarters:  Brahma Kumaris Learning
 Center for Peace, 75 Common Street, Watertown, Massachusetts

Sample of Programs and Offerings:
  • ​World Peace Meditation
  • Foundation Course to Learn Raja Yoga Meditation - private and group courses
  • Quiet Room for Meditation & Reflection Open Daily to Public
  • Midday Meditation with Guided Commentary
  • Weekly Presentations & Conversations on the Application of Spiritual Knowledge in Everyday Life
  • All Services Provided Free of Charge as a Community Service



  • Instagram: innerSpaceHarvardSq       

.                       Class Room
.             Picture Gallery (click picture)
      Click on tab below to view "The Peacemaker's Journey" article of insight ~