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​The Weekly Blog   ~ Issues bi-weekly           Archived Issues:  

The purpose of this Blog is to extend greater exposure to  the essentials of
being peace and living peace into being.  Arvetta's book, "The Essential Code", is being revealed
in detailed excerpts.  These profound insights gently expose a loving breakthrough process to unconditional love embedded in the higher frequencies of spiritual consciousness.

~ An open-heart journey evolving into the awe and ecstasy of self-transcendence.

Let us begin . . . . . .

The Essential Code - Feeling the Urgency of Your Heart    Balboa Press 2012  See the
Calendar Page (Navigation Bar on Home page)  for book info and link to the Book's website

"Out  beyond right and wrong lies a field.

Meet me there."   Where

Divine Truths mesmerize the mind

and awesomeness of Spirit

illuminate the soul.



"The universe is illunined by a spiritual intelligence that

goes beyond description.  It is that exact ability that makes itself

known to every cell within all life forms.  And so it is that I am

the spirit, grace, and action of this knowledge as the human




"And the time came, when the risk to remain tight in the bud
was more painful than the risk it took to bloom."


Thomas Berry's cosmological wisdom compassionately presented humanity with a heart-based quest for healing of our once-vibrant resource, planet Earth, a living, breathing, organism  that humanity calls home.  Thomas Berry, along with quantum physicist Dr. Brian Swimme, worked passionately as dedicated teachers regarding our planet being more than a fireball encrusted with earthen dirt and seas of water or a home to be used and abused according to man's desires, pleasures, and sacrilegious benefits.    Earth is a sacred creation; we stand on sacred ground.  We came from its waters and the stardust of creation.  An enigma of our creation: we are a part of the earth; what we do to the earth, we do to ourselves.

More than forty years ago, Thomas Berry, Geologist, informed earth's inhabitants about the ill state of our planet and the consequences of our continued use and abuse, as if it were a tool.  What do we do with tools?  We use and abuse them and then toss them aside when no longer useful.  Instead of becoming conscious and caring, the majority of humanity not only continued their abusive patterns, but our insatiable habits proliferated.

Today, man is waking up to what he has done, not only to the earth but to ourselves.  As Chief Seattle stated, "Man belongs to the earth, the earth does not belong to us."  We are made of the same chemicals present in the earth, the rocks, planets, and stars!  We truly are part of creation.  To effectively heal the earth, man first has to know who he truly is and to heal himself.  The condition of the earth and our environment is like a mirror of mankind.  Humanity healing is a mirror for the ages -- only through healing of our "false self"  can we be truly spiritual people, individually and collectively, to blossom into our true and magnificent spirit-selves.

Only through growth in one's spiritual self does one elevate his or her frequency level, vibrating a pulsating, heart-based love outward where it connects to the electromagnetic waves in the cosmos.  Energies of the cosmos are of divine essence (consisting of the love energy: 580 Hertz).  The symbolic vision in humanity healing is that of emerging, co-creative, universal humans, co-creating a sustainable and evolving future in communities of loving union.

The challenge of this profoundness of being is to embed a knowing of one's spirit self.  To know self is an inward psychological journey.  Dogma is of the external world and comes from man's ego, not from divine source.   Dogma exerts control, laws, and denominational identity --creating separateness, versus an evolutionary, universal oneness.  Not only is medieval leadership outdated, so are dogmas of the past.  Religious rituals can medicate, soothe the ego, and praise our Source but will not and cannot heal and transition the psyche to one's authentic self.  This type of healing is a process only obtained outside of the often rigid fundamentalism found in dogma and religious rituals, unlike the profound inner levitation experience of an inner evolutionary consciousness (an evolving higher spiritual awareness of the spirit-self).   ~

​The question arises , "Are you a human being having a spiritual experience,  or

a spiritual being having a human experience?"    

How do you see yourself?  The 'human self' is easy ... we can see it, feel it, and see others
all around us.  The 'God' code is within each and every one of us, and patiently awaits our
discovery and recognition of our spirit-self - when the love energy of life fills our heart and
we begin to feel the presence, the essence, the joy of being.  Gratitude sets in as our trials become welcomed lessons of life and an attitude of love and gratitude becomes who we are. 

 Our"feelings" are our constant daily prayer.  Words are never adequate ... it IS our 'feelings'
that are transmitted into the universe - the cosmos, transmitted by our human 'transmitter',
the human heart !!     Here is the uncanny truth :   THE  LOVE ENERGY (when we are
feeling love, compassion, joy, ) CREATES A FREQUENCY OF 528 HERTZ  FLOWING
OUTWARD FROM OUR HEART  . . . . . .  THE frequency of SPIRITUAL ENERGY FLOWING FROM THE COSMOS  and is in our midst IS 528 HERTZ !    

Heartfully matching and adding to the spiritual energy of the cosmos
 transmits and increases the energies of peace ~

             Everyone matters and everyone is responsible for co-creating a culture of peace .

"Thoughts become things, choose the good ones!"   -- Mike Dooley

End of Issue 1

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   Weekly Blog . . . feeling the ecstasy of self - transcendence ~      Issue 1